Crystal Augustine

Broker / Owner
+ 501-614-6367
+ 501-614-6367
Crystal Augustine is a native of the culture capital of Belize – Dangriga Town. After completing her studies at Ecumenical Junior College, she worked part-time at the National Garifuna Council as a secretary. Crystal then joined Boris Mannsfeld & Associates , where for many years she grew from sales assistant to an outgoing well respected and well known sales talent on the Placencia peninsula.
Ms Augustine is known as dedicated, outgoing, hardworking and going the extra mile for her clients she represents.  She is a good listener for the buyers, and will analyse in detail what you as a buyer really need,  and she won’t give up till you walk out with a smile !
Ms Augustine is a singer and dancer by nature,  a fun night out karaoke, a good meal, a nice gala, she is always ready for some good times.  But as well, she wants to be an example for her daughter, showing the world what a young Belizean hard working career woman can achieve.
So after 6 years of successful sales experience in Placencia Belize, it was time to move up to the next level in her professional career and as such she decided to start  as an independent Real Estate Agent as partner for PRIME BELIZE REAL ESTATE.
Ms. Augustine lives by her favorite saying of “If you believe in yourself, have dedication, and never quit, you’ll be successful in life.”
Need the perfect guide to your Belizean Dream?  Give Ms Augustine a call.

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